

CatherineBainbridgeAlfonsoMaiorana 乔治·克林顿PuraFeDavidFricke吉米·亨德里克斯昆西·琼斯BuffySainte-Marie马丁·斯科塞斯斯拉施JohnTrudell史蒂芬·泰勒LinkWray 美国 2017 查看整部剧情
This revelatory documentary brings to light the profound and overlooked influence of Indigenous people on popular music in North America. Focusing on music icons like Link Wray, Jimi Hendrix, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Charley Patton, Mildred Bailey, Jesse Ed Davis, Robbie Robertson, and Randy Castillo, Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked The World shows how these pioneering Native American musicians helped shape the soundtracks of our lives.。在上方选择线路免费观看震撼世界的印第安人完整版。
